Aston Gold

Focused on investing in rental properties with credit-worthy tenants and long leases

Closed-end fund no longer available for subscription.

In order to capture the opportunities that the Portuguese real estate sector has to offer, our private equity fund Aston Gold, a fund registered with the Portuguese securities markets regulator CMVM, invests in solid real estate companies. Heed's team uncovers the opportunities thanks to our proprietary deal flow. Bankinter acts as the fund's depository bank and Ernst & Young as the independent auditor.

Main Characteristics

Strong Governance

Regulated by CMVM. The fund and its invested companies are periodically audited and all properties are independently valued by independent valuers certified by the CMVM.


Under Portuguese law, capital gains and income on venture capital funds are both tax-exempt for non-residents. Portuguese residents are taxed at a lower rate, 10% as opposed to 28%.

Golden Visa

Investing EUR 500,000 in a venture capital fund with at least 60% of its assets invested in Portuguese companies is the simplest and quickest way to qualify for the Portuguese Golden Visa program.

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